TO 2004
1993 TO 2004
The Journey Begins
The TRAX journey began in 1993 in Auckland on New Zealand’s north island. Operating a commercial cleaning business, Steve and Christine Quinn quickly saw potential in a new cleaning product that had the dual purpose of both cleaning and providing an anti-slip feature to tiled floors in one mopping process.

Setting Up Shop
After obtaining a manufacturing licence from the UK agent and recreating the product in-house, Steve set up shop out of a minivan to sell Floor Safe, his anti-slip cleaning product, by day while continuing to operate the cleaning business at night.
The Anti-Slip Floor Company
Floor Safe morphed into The Anti-Slip Floor Company after Quinn started offering tailored solutions to customer-specific problems, including anti-slip products and installation to prevent slips and falls on stairs, ramps, ladders, and most pedestrian surfaces.

Introducing Safety Step
Expanding into a franchise model, branded as Safety Step, the business grew nationally. And using an educational approach to help clients understand why slip hazards were happening, and where on the stair tread or ladder rung a solution should be focused, enabled Safety Step to corner the New Zealand market.

Market Growth
In 2005, Safety Steps’ market expanded into the U.S. with sports stadium clients, including the Palace Arena in Detroit, Staples Center, and various university sports stadiums. A larger manufacturing venture was established in Australia and Safety Step continued to expand.

Challenging Times
Unfortunately, the 2007-2008 Global Financial Crisis created very tough years for Safety Step as the U.S. agency ceased work and the U.S. and Southeast Asia markets nearly stopped completely.
TO 2021
2008 TO 2021
Change is Good
After fifteen years at the front end of the formative international pedestrian anti-slip industry, the valuable opportunity presented itself for Quinn to pause, take stock of lessons learned and re-shape Safety Step before a new re-start in Australia. So he decided on some dramatic changes:
- Re-engineer their industrial anti-slip range using a proprietary 100% composite FRP manufacturing process to prevent product failure.
- Focus on quality and take a “Rolls Royce” approach to market differentiation.
- Relinquish direct market access in favor of partnering with resellers.
- Integrate sustainable business practices and ethics into the company’s core values.

In 2008, James Quinn, the son of Steve and Christine, was hired on as COO. Together, Steve and James worked to invent the process of manufacturing their unique 100% composite FRP products.

Industry Disruptors
With new technology and vastly superior product, Safety Step became the leader in the regional market, winning clients such as Virgin Australia and Queensland Rail, and acquired many new clients in Southeast Asia, particularly in the oil and gas sector.

Industry Leaders
The family company’s steadfast dedication to offering the best materials and sustainable design helped Safety Step remain a leading anti-slip product. The brand also remained strong despite two market collapses in the southern hemisphere, and continued to build a loyal and dedicated customer base through word of mouth and education-based sales of quality composite anti-slip products.
Moving Forward
Steve and James determined it was necessary to evolve the business and prepare for the future. With the re-entry into the North American market, it was determined a rebranding of Safety Step was required in order for the company and its products to stand out from competitors offering products of inferior quality. It was also important to differentiate Safety Step from other brands or products with similar sounding names.
The Future - Trax
As part of these efforts, Safety Step is introducing “TRAX”, the new brand identity being launched worldwide.